A gateway is not an object in space and time, but a gap in space and time that allows us momentarily to be in a place without boundaries.
I am because you are.
Keep going. Success depends on persistence. Keep going. You don’t ever know when your moment will come. Keep going. You just never know.
This is quite a moving story: http://www.cbssports.com/video/player/play/nfl/CdypPOxkRyMWxJjEkoxYqBr_XWjB6WQe
Each of our lives is a sacred story. Learn how to tell it so that others may learn.
Both the waking world and dream world are real. The question is: How do we interpret them?
We live each of our lives not only for ourselves but to teach others.
Who is Adam? An androgynous being created from the earth’s soil. We are all Adam, part of the earth.
How many lifetimes does it take to learn a lesson? As many as it takes to learn the lesson.
The world does not need a revolution, but it needs leaders who can respond to the revolution that is already happening.
When old institutions die, new ones are born.
Free will means the choice to be who we are.
A pause between breaths: silence, the voice of God, the Source.
All good ideas are gateways to deeper realities.
Everything we own is borrowed.
Fear is natural, but so is courage.
We’re all angels in human clothing.
Who are you? Not this, not that.
Dreams are a gateway that connect this dimension to others.
Confusion almost always precedes clarity.
The Source has no name, because the Source is No/Thing.
Feeling is the core of our humanity.
What is a mistake? A decision to be something other than what we are–until the mistake leads us back to ourselves.
There is a plan for each life, but the plan is multi-layered, multi-directional, and subject to alteration.
Health is not a state of being, but a way of life.
In every spot, there is a gateway to the source.
Symbols give form to our reality.
Symbols not only represent things, they create them.
“The Tibetan spiritual leader gave $50,000 to a new center devoted to studying the power of meditation.”
Wisdom involves the heart and mind joined as two tributaries flowing into a great river.
Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2014 Laurence KantHolding your breath is a way of putting your life on hold.
Humanity is passing through a gateway right now. Will we crush one another in a mad scramble or pass though it gracefully?
Gateways open when we open.
Dreams tell a hidden story.
On Mt. Moriah, the Source offered Abraham the chance for a mystical ascent to heaven. But Abraham understood the path as going upward to hell (Gen 22).
Boredom is one of the key ingredients in creativity.
Dreams allow us to explore alternate possibilities and realities.
Allow your ideas to simmer. Their flavor and texture will improve.
Dreams are stories that lead us deeper into ourselves.
Wisdom takes time and energy. It does not happen according to schedule.
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