Dreams both reveal and create our lives.
To be a wanderer is to live authentically.
All progress depends on trust. Without trust there is no possibility of transformation. With trust everything is possible.
Dreams are literary works each and every one of us creates.
Change is inevitable. Our response to it is not.
Where should we feel most at home? Inside ourselves.
What is time? A device to create a story. What is space? A device to give the story a home.
Dreams allow us not only to see and understand our lives, but to recreate them.
When cultivated, both fear and love expand exponentially. We all have to decide which is preferable.
Eating in a sukkah (hut), we realize we are all Adam, beloved creatures of the earth.
Feel your heart, its beat, its warmth, your mind’s energy source.
Pure duration, eternity, infinity comes in those moments when time and the I melt away.
We are all wanderers searching for a home that ultimately exists inside ourselves (Num 33.1).
Pure duration, eternity, infinity comes in those moments when time and the I melt away.
What is the wilderness? The best place to encounter ourselves and the Source. Where is the wilderness? Inside us. Why is there a wilderness? To transform us.
We all wear masks, but that’s not who we are. What do masks do? They help us to explore alternative realities.
Who are the Egyptians in the Exodus story? They are not only outside us, but inside us. Most of the time we enslave ouirselves. That’s why the Jewish people wanted to return to Egypt rather than deal with uncertainty and choices in the wildnerness (Ex 14.12).
When you are truly where you are, the past and the future no longer hold so much power.
Tumult and turbulence precede transformation.
Each of our lives is a new story to add to the book of Genesis.
Gen 1.1: “The Source (God) began to create”: As long as the universe exists, creation is a process that rests periodically, but never ends.
To feel your breath is to feel the life force not only inside you, but inside all that is.
Most of my good ideas come when I’m thinking about something else.
I am reflecting on the fundamental shift away from institutional religion. It affects every religion and every religious community globally: churches, mosques, synagogues, temples, etc. It cuts across the ideological and political spectra. As educational attainment increases, so does disaffection with traditional religious modalities. Yet the vast majority of people still seek to explore the fundamental questions of existence, matters of ultimate concern (as Tillich says), interconnectedness, community, ethics, and love and relationships. Why are so many religious institutions unable or unwilling to address the hunger for meaning and purpose that so many yearn for?
Looking forward to commenting in the future on these topics.
The Source rests from creation every shabbat. So should we. Then, on the next day, we join hands to continue creation (Gen 2.3).
The more deeply we feel, the more we fill the universe with our energy. We evaporate and are everywhere.
One key to authentic leadership is being open about your imperfections without belittling yourself.
Gen 1:27: The first Adam was both female and male, bi-gendered, whole, integrated, one.
Pain in passed on from generation generation. So is healing.
Freedom in little matters leads to freedom in big matters.
Creation rests on Shabbat, but recommences the next day.
Breathing is a rehearsal for both living and dying.
Do nothing for a period of time. Then you will be able to do something worthwhile and begin to understand Shabbat.
Wisdom: Knowing whom, what, where, when, how.
Close reading does not mean just words, but images and experiences as well.
Our legacy is not money, power, buildings, or books, but rather the core energy that we release from ourselves into the universe.
Conformity means a bunch of individuals forming a collective ego, an I. Community means a bunch of individuals building a whole that transcends the individual “I”s (egos) and creates a collective higher self.
A “person” may be human, but a “person” may also be another life form, including other animals and plants. The world is filled with persons we don’t even realize are there.
Breath + words = creation (Gen 1)
Inspiration = Dreamtime
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