Here’s one way the environment and a religious tradition (Hindu) can come into conflict.
We cannot reduce everything to a commodity or money, as Paul Krugman concisely notes:
This is a humorous account of a very serious event, including local twitter updates:
This is an excellent analysis and survey by U.S. Ambassador to Israel, Michael Oren: (via Nelson French)
A grassroots movement called Wutburger is roiling German politics:
With the economic recession and the advent of internet technology, U.S. television ownership is on the decline for the first time in many decades:
This is an excellent survey of the many ways in which banks bully homeowners and decimate the middle class:
This is part of a very complex story it seems:
This says it all. When push comes to shove, under whose authority do the Arab residents of East Jerusalem want to live? Surpise. It’s Israel
And the beat goes on:
This article illustrates the serious problems with oil rig regulation and the close relationship between oil companies and their regulators:
What a world:
A sad and revealing story about a Jewish director who in 1944 made a propaganda film under Nazi supervision at the Theresienstadt camp in order to fool the International Red Cross. This film was just re-released to remind us not only of the holocaust, but to show us the use of propaganda to propagate a lie:
This is a window into some segments of Palestinian politics and its animosity toward the West and toward Israel:
This analysis is interesting, thoughtful, detailed, and perceptive. The author is a thinker and researcher. I enjoyed reading it to get an insight into how to think about predicting trends and future directions. It’s football, but applicable to life.
An analysis of how big government and big corporations work hand in glove:
An excellent, humorous analysis by Matt Taibbi
Does the Source want us to reach the promised land? No. The Source wants us to be on our way there, to walk toward it. There is no promised land: only a dirt path with spectacular scenery, our two legs, and good travel companions. The path is rocky and slow-going, but we learn much along the way. There are lots of alternate routes, and each one takes us to new vistas and landscapes. When we finally do arrive at the place for which we yearn, we find that it’s just another dirt path taking us somewhere else.
Disgusting. Repellent. Racist. Xenophobic. Yet Fox has led the charge with its fake news.
Oil companies make huge profts by limiting supplying and sending oil abroad for sale at premium prices:,0,1414360,full.story
Some good news for a change:
A discussion of the paranoia and racism that lies just beneath the surface of our national psyche. Donald Trump Trump has exploited this for PR purposes:
How local, not national, power effects will effect the most influence on environmental issues:,0,3704732,print.story
Disgusting. Repellent. Racist. Xenophobic. Yet Fox has led the charge with its fake news.
Is the Spanish government’s emphasis on Jewish tourism a legitimate enterprise?
A disturbing audio report from Cal Perry of a massacre in Syria:
This is one of the most demoralizing aspects of the economic and financial crisis that began in 2008. White collar criminals do not have to face the courts or prison because they are rich, powerful, and influential. This is the triumph of plutocracy that is now America. Via Dianne M. Bazell (via Dianne Bazell)
Huckabee wants Americans indoctrinated at gunpoint by David Barton, pseudo-historian who claims the U.S. was founded as a Christian nation. Barton apparently denies that the First Amendment protects the religious rights of all US citizens; rather it protects only those who are Christian. Another Oy vez.
The Koch Brothers use their power to intimidate their employees to vote for their favored candidates:
Exxon comes in a close second to General Electric as tax deadbeats:
Often food that looks good isn’t so good for you. Beware of colors!
Corporations are airing advertisements through media outlets as if they are legitimate news.
How a coal company destroyed a community:
A sad story that makes no rational sense, but the GOP effort is a nice pay-off to large corporations and campaign contributors.
The importance of Al-Jazeera continues to grow
Here’s the way Facebook is now mining your data to deliver targeted advertising to you:,0,1887797.story
Art is one of the most potent means of protesting authoritarianism and affirming freedom, but artists face threats in many nations, including China.
Another concerning aspect of natural gas exploration through the process of hydraulic fracturing:
Anti-Dolphin Killing Campaigns are finding success:
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