An excellent analysis of this potential social and religious powder keg, where ethnic and religious conflict lies just beneath the surface. US policy has glossed over much of this, but the chickens are coming home to roost. Now is the time to encourage peaceful, democratic change in order to avoid an extremist religious Shiite takeover.
Some doubt has been cast on the importance of Israel to the US economy and jobs. However, many underestimate the importance of Israel in global technology, especially in computers, health care and agriculture. It is large. We live in an interconnected world, and our economic relations with other countries (including foreign aid) have an economic impact on our own economy. We cannot go it alone. No one can.
Apparently drones bring forth a lot of emotion and strong opinion. Here is my response to some of those who have questioned the drone example in the Lexington Herald-Leader op-ed.
Many drones are used for surveillance purposes, but drones are also used for attacks: e.g. General Atomics MQ-1 Predators with Hellfire missiles (which have successfully killed a number of al-Qaeda and Taliban operatives, among others); and now the General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper. I think that these weapons are just the beginning, and war will be fought increasingly virtually. No question that this presents moral problems, but we cannot avoid questions by just saying “No.” That’s not going to happen, nor should it. In my view, drones save lives. Strategic, tactical, and fighter bombers have a much greater likelihood of dropping their loads in the wrong places (in spite of major improvements in accuracy). Ballistic missiles and artillery are not better. Infantry operations can be even more dangerous for civilians.
The larger question is: When military action is necessary, how do we have successful operations and minimize the killing of civilians? The emotions that drones induce have more do with symbolism and PR than with actual facts on the ground.
I believe that drone technology is helpful overall, because it saves US and Coalition lives and because killing of civilians is less likely (even though it still tragically occurs). War has always been characterized by awful, hideous events. Drones are not the reason they happen. Nor do drones fuel insurgencies in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen. Problems existed in those countries long before drones. Americans seem to think that we have this great influence on the world and that we are the main drivers of events–it’s a kind of imperialism that exists on both the right and the left. But people all over the world have their own motivations and reasons for doing what they do that have nothing to do with the US or with Israel. There are independent actors, and we don’t pull everybody’s strings.
Drone technology is simply one concrete illustration of military cooperation and research. However, one could also pint to other military items that the Israelis have developed (or helped to develop) that the US employs: Python missiles, Gabriel missiles, SMAW anti-tank guided missiles, Simon breach grenades, Samson Remote Control Weapons Stations, etc. Of course, Israel also uses US weapons: F15s and F16s, transport planes, Apache attack helicopters, transport helicopters, howitzers, missiles (including Hellfire, Maverick, Sidewinder, and Stinger) and now the Arrow Missile Defense System, among others. The US military clearly understands Israeli weapons research as a major strategic advantage for the US, and the Israelis naturally know the importance of US weapons for them. The relationship is symbiotic and a part of our economy–even though I would love to see a time when the need for this is greatly reduced.
The question is not drones. The question is military action in general. I agree that not every time is a military option the best option. In my view, both the US and Israel have sometimes forgotten this. Still military elements are a crucial part of self-defense. Without them, Israel would be annihilated and Jews slaughtered. In other locations, projecting military strength is required (even though the US might sometimes overplay its hand). Having weapons is often more powerful than using them, but that is only the case when at least occasionally we do use them.
UPDATE: On March 1, 2011, the IDF employed a new, defensive weapon, called the Trophy active protection system, designed to protect tanks from missiles. This is a significant upgrade for tank and armored car protection. During the Lebanon war, Israeli tanks suffered damage from hand-held, rocket-propelled grenades. The Israelis designed this system, and it will undoubtedly become important for the U.S. military as well. There is further similar technology in the pipeline as well.
See our op-ed:
Lexington Herald Leader Op-Ed
By Linda Ravvin, Laurence H. Kant and Mike Grossman
Posted: 12:00am on Feb 18, 2011; Modified: 7:45am on Feb 18, 2011
Sen. Rand Paul recently stated that not only does he advocate cutting off U.S. aid to Israel, but he sees that aid as fueling a Middle Eastern arms race.
As a proportion of the total budget, aid to Israel is negligible. The Israeli military has been purchasing American military hardware for many years, and an elimination of this money would cost the U.S. many manufacturing jobs.
Additionally, Israel has been at the forefront of developing military technology, and U.S. military aid funds joint projects that the American military has taken advantage of in Iraq and Afghanistan. This includes drone technology, which has saved countless American and coalition lives.
It is safe to say that Israeli technological achievements (which are at least partially funded by U.S. military aid) have helped keep American troops safer.
Israel is the only full-fledged democracy in the region. Tiny as it is, with only 7 million people, its presence serves as a model for the development of other democracies and free-market societies in the region.
Its own Arab population (including Muslims, Christians and Druze) has more freedom, legal rights, social mobility and economic opportunity than the vast majority of Arabs elsewhere in the Middle East. Many Arabs (Palestinians and others) seek to enter Israel because of the work opportunities afforded by its vibrant, high-tech economy.
Per capita, Israel has the highest level of technological entrepreneurship in the world, supported by a deep commitment to education. U.S. military aid to Israel allows Israel to continue its leadership in this (in spite of Israel’s own large military budget) and work as a partner with the U.S. in creating a global high tech economy. This means jobs for U.S. citizens as well.
Israel’s neighbors dwarf it in both population and geographical size. Many of these neighbors are sworn to Israel’s destruction. While Israel will never have a quantitative edge militarily, Israel does have a qualitative edge, and it is this edge (partially due to U.S. military aid) that has prevented its destruction.
If Israel were to lose that qualitative edge, its enemies would certainly become emboldened, and the likelihood of a new and destructive war in the Middle East would substantially increase. Given our continued dependence on oil and our other strategic interests, this would almost certainly mean a much heavier financial and military U.S. investment in the Middle East than currently exists.
U.S. military support for Israel actually increases the likelihood for peace. Israel’s qualitative military advantage makes it significantly more likely that it will take the risks necessary for a comprehensive peace agreement with the Palestinians (and the Syrians as well). Should Israel lose U.S. military support, it would certainly not be willing to withdraw from any militarily strategic positions it currently controls, negating the land-for-peace formula of United Nations resolutions.
The main backer of state terrorism and global jihad is Iran, and a decrease in Israel’s military advantage (which would certainly occur should aid be reduced) would cause Iran to further fund anti-Israel and anti-American militias throughout the region.
Israel has been on the front line of the global war on terror for many years. Unfortunately, it appears that Israel will be forced to fight this war for many years to come.
Given the burgeoning grass-roots movements for freedom and democracy in the Arab/Muslim world (especially in Tunisia and Egypt), U.S. involvement in the Middle East and commitment to Israel are more important than ever. When a region reaches a turning point that has profound implications for the world and for America’s own interests, the U.S. should not retreat, but stay engaged.
Nobody disputes that fiscal responsibility is a vitally important goal for our nation and that we will have to make painful budgetary sacrifices. Aid to Israel is in the interest of the U.S. from a financial, strategic and moral standpoint. We encourage Paul to reconsider his stance on this issue and to support fully funding our commitments to Israel.
Linda Ravvin is president of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass; Laurence H. Kant is chair and Mike Grossman is co-chair of the Jewish Community Relations Committee.
Tunisia has a very proud civil, secular tradition that includes women’s rights. With the collapse of the dictatorship of Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, Tunisian society and politics are at a crossroads.
Despite the understandable talk about the Muslim Brotherhood, the revolt in Egypt (and throughout the Middle East) has not been about religion, but about economic opportunity and freedom. This is a secular issue. While this does not guarantee that religious extremists will not come to power in the midst of chaos, it suggests that there is tremendous pressure against that scenario.
Qaddafi is a ruler who has never shied away from violence–internally or externally.
This provides an excellent review of history over the past century and provides an analysis of anti-Israel revisionist history.
A personal account of how Egyptians used non-violent protest to overcome their fear and bring down a dictator (via Nelson French):
While I supported the Iraq invasion (and still do in spite of the massive flaws), I also have no doubt that Bush and his supporters were motivated by poll ratings, as this short piece shows. This is politics, and it’s the way things works here and everywhere, whatever the issue or cause, liberal or conservative. I am under no illusions in this regard: almost any policy (good or bad, even war) is partly motivated by political self-interest.
Pick a topic, and watch countries grow and shrink. Hover your mouse over a country, and get more info. A wonderful website.
How do Israel and Syria make peace? The beauty, harmony, and strategic importance of this region show the complexity of this question.
Iran appears, at least in part, to have recovered from the Stuxnet worm attack. The Iranians have replaced the hardware, but it is unclear whether they have control over the software.
On the other hand, the New Intelligence Estimate suggests that the Stuxnet worm has had considerable impact. Just as important, the sanctions seem to be having an impact on some Iranian leaders, who question the wisdom of developing a nuclear weapons program given the economic impact of sanctions.
Serious human rights abuses in Egypt remain:
Given possible destabilizing effects, this is something to watch:
Have we reached the tipping point?
This essay is impressive. Brendan O’Neil absolutely nails it. This is all about victims and who is the biggest victim.
Back when Israelis looked like victims in the fifties and sixties, the same lefties loved Israelis and Jews (by the way, I’m no conservative either). Israelis and Jews were good victims then too. Until Israel won wars in 1967 and 1973, the Israelis and Jews (because of the Holocaust experience) were the favored victims. Many Jews were glad to have their support, but now I realize what that support actually meant. Jews are fine for these protesters as long as they remain victims: holocaust survivors, victims of anti-semitism, and poor Israelis facing massive odds against far more populous Arabs. However, God forbid that they should defend themselves and emerge victorious. Like the Palestinians, Jews were a tribe that middle-class empathizers could “coo” over. We’re still a tribe. Only we’ve made the mistake of forming a prosperous, democratic county and protecting ourselves.
There’s no question that Israel has done things that are problematic, especially the settlement policy. Israelis have also fallen into the trap of responding to every Palestinian provocation with force. There’s racism against Arabs that is prevalent in Israel.
Still this is a democratic society (the only full-fledged democracy in the Middle East) that is under siege from surrounding countries who want to annihilate it and to remove all Jews from the Middle East. Israel’s own Arab citizens have more economic opportunity, mobility, and freedom than the vast majority of other Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East. It is a diverse society that has women serving in the military, gay pride parades, as well as Arab and Ethiopian Jews.
In the end, whether you are Israeli/Jewish or Palestinian, most in the West look at you as a symbol, a trope. Not many really give a hoot about you, except in so far as you conform to some preconceptions that elicit feelings of tenderness or revulsion. It’s not just liberals, but conservatives, as well, especially some fundamentalist Christians. The latter see Palestinians as Muslim allies of the Anti-Christ ready to destroy Christianity, while Jews are ancient witnesses to Christ whose presence in the “Holy Land” will help usher in the Second Coming. Of course, in this scenario, the returned Christ will pretty much kill all of us, Muslim and Jew alike, unless we convert.
It would be nice if people could look at us, both Jews and our Palestinian cousins, as fellow human beings. Perhaps that’s too much to ask.
I stand with Sharansky. Freedom is the only real hope for peace. In the end, if we support dictatorships against democratic movements, we will alienate the vast majority of Arab/Muslim populations, and we will give them only one option: the Muslim Brotherhood. A truly democratic society, not only with elections, but with independent institutions and the capacity to pursue whatever wants to pursue (i.e. freedom), sounds the death knell for extremist, violent, backward-looking, tyrannical, theocratic religious movements. Freedom is also what the U.S., Israel, and other democracies are supposed to stand for. Of course, failure is possible, but the risk is worth it:
See also the excellent article by Jackson Diehl on the upsides of Egypt’s revolution
I don’t see an Iranian-style revolution as happening, especially given the strong secular culture in Egypt, the existence of many Muslims who support democracy, the antipathy of many Egyptians for Iran, the role of the army, and the educated techie youth generation. But it’s something to pay attention to and will probably produce some major bumps in the road.
Here’s also an excellent, clear-eyed summary of the Muslim Brotherhood:
Pretty much sounds like most institutions (private and public) in our country. (now archived)
See now: or
Very interesting. Only 15% approve of the Muslim Brotherhood, while a mere 1% would support a Muslim Brotherhood candidate. Elbaradei has very little popular support, unlike Amr Mousa. Even more surprising, a plurality of Egyptians support the peace treaty with Israel (37% pro vs. 27% con). All in all, this is good news.
A window into horror:
So agonizingly close–still.
On the adaptability and flexibility of technology. That makes it so much more powerful
Now see:
"Egyptians in front of the rubble of a looted property in Cairo belonging to Ahmed Ezz, one of the leading figures in the National Democratic Party."
Of course, this is far from a free market–when the government picks and chooses the economic winners among its allies and friends. It’s yet another example of government by the few for the few.
This is a moving interview that provides insights both into the thinking of the protesters and of the government. The interview speaks for itself and shows the profound integrity of everyday Egyptians. I am struck by the deep concern for dignity that Wael consistently mentions. There is a sense among Egyptians that this government has shamed them and treated them as children. Young protesters like Wael are educated, cosmopolitan, entrepreneurial, thoughtful, and modern. They are the future leaders of Egypt and other Middle Eastern nations. While there are many perils and chances for disasters, Wael and his colleagues should give us all reason to hope for greater peace and prosperity in the Middle East in the long term.
This is illuminating. Bank speculators not only caused the crisis in the US and Europe through dubious housing deals, but they have sparked unrest all over the world, now in Tunisia and Egypt, by artificially ginning up the commodities markets. Blessings, Larry
In the end, you can imprison a person, but you cannot lock up the internet or social media. Egypt’s attempt to control the spread of protest by arresting social media entrepreneurs did not succeed. However, we can sure see where the real power is now.
If you are squeamish, please do not watch this video. It is hard and painful to see.
The slaughtering and torture of dolphins is a tradition that no longer makes any sense. Dolphins (and whales) are highly intelligent, sophisticated, relational sea mammals. In Greek tradition, dolphins were sacred and viewed as friends of humans. This video and others have brought attention to a horrible practice that we need to stop not only because of its violence and the slow, painful deaths of dolphins, but because it degrades our own moral conscience as human beings.
Larry (an article that summarizes the practice in Taijii)
If you are opposed to academic boycotts and divestment (now frequently aimed at Israel) , please forward this to anyone you think might be interested.
Many commentators (including me) have noted conservative support for Arab/Islamic dictatorships in the Middle East. But this is no less true of the left who have readily defended tyranny in Iran and other places while condemning Israel, which is a democratic state. Here is an essay on this by Alan Dershowitz.
I find it intriguing that ideologues (whether conservative or liberal) are much more likely than non-ideologues to shelve their supposed principles when an article of their ideology is under threat. Here the left shelves democracy in order to affirm underdog Arab/Muslim societies and to condemn bully Israel. Some on the right do the same by supporting dictatorships in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (for example), claiming that stability trumps democracy–except when the US invaded Iraq.
This is an excellent discussion of Al-Jazeera and its crucial role in the Middle East. The Bush administration hated Al-Jazeera when it did reporting that was not supportive of US policy in Iraq, and it went after their reporters. Of course, presidential administrations in the past have not liked a lot of US media either and have targeted them as well. Now we see the essential importance of an active, free press, and the current US government finally embraces it. Democracy and freedom depend upon it. The more openness and transparency that a truly free press demands, the greater the chance for truly humane, compassionate societies to evolve. Ironic that it took an Arabic-language news organization to show us this.
Very interesting. I don’t think Michelle Goldberg is correct on Israel–that they are opposed to democracy in the Middle East because Israel has found it easier to deal with dictators and because stability trumps freedom. Yes, there are many Israelis who take this position. But in general Israelis are divided between those who believe that democracy will ultimately promote peace in region and those who fear that calls for democracy will lead to Islamic dictatorships and instability. Of course, Israelis have good reason to more anxious than us. They have violence and the threat of annihilation at their doorstep. Nevertheless, Israelis have a diversity of views on this, especially because of their own democratic traditions.
As for myself, I am deeply Jewish and Zionist. As a Jew and a Zionist, I support the aspirations of all people for freedom, no matter where they are. How can I not do so? That includes Egyptians, Iranians, and anyone else. I strongly believe that free, open, democratic societies are not only a human right and a step forward in human consciousness, but are a gateway to peace and reconciliation in the long run. No doubt there will be short- and mid-term challenges, but democratic societies are much less likely to engage in war with their neighbors, and that includes the Middle East.
By the way, I know that there are Egyptians who are worried about the image of their society in the world. I realize you are concerned about chaos, violence, and instability and the negative image that the world will see. My comments may not carry much weight with you, but as a Jew and a supporter of Israel, I am deeply moved by these demonstrations. I see nobility, honor, courage, and dignity. The chaos is not the fault of Egyptians, but the fault of a government that has lost its legitimacy. I have always been impressed by Egypt, its culture, and its magnificent, rich, long history. The events of recent days have only served to increase my admiration and respect. I keep the Egyptian people in my prayers every day.
This article is superb:
There is a kind of imperialistic arrogance that exists in the U.S. on both the left and the right. Each side criticizes the other for allegedly allowing some international event or crisis to take place: “If only the U.S. had done things our way, not yours, then all would have turned out well.”
Yet the reality is different. We have much less control of events than we think. The U.S. cannot determine what others do, especially when social media and internet technology allow open information flow. We need to take a more humble approach to foreign policy and stop assuming that we are omnipotent.
Here is the link to my original comment at the New York Times:
Robert Reich notes the fundamental difference between the economies of the US and China: China has a plan, and we don’t. This hands-off approach has characterized both Democratic and Republican presidential administrations. In general, the US relies on faith in the free market place, while China assumes that the government must make careful plans to advance its interests. Consequently, the Chinese invest heavily in green industries, even when there is no immediate profit and cost is high, because this technology is the future. Whoever controls it will have an enormous advantage in global competition. The US engages in talk, but not much action.
The US has an almost magical faith in the free market. It’s almost as if the US believes that simply reciting an ideological creed will guarantee economic success.
The US still has one advantage: the deep creativity and inventiveness that marks our culture. Americans do not rely on the past and on tradition, but look for new and original ways of doing things. This has always carried the US through before, and I hope it will continue to do so. But can the US rely on this, while others make plans?
The whole issue relates to an even more fundamental matter. Will human beings rely on ideology or on practical, integrative approaches to solve problems? Ideology is pure theory, ideas separate from concrete reality. Communism, Marxism, radical free market capitalism, absolute pacifism, religious fundamentalism, and postmodern theory all fall into that category. They are ideologies rather than evidence-based methods. Significantly ideologues exist on both the left and right. among both the secular and the religious. Even when something contradicts the theory, followers of the theory simply ignore the data, because fundamentally day-to-day life is messy, confusing, ambiguous, contradictory, and therefore too difficult to interpret.
While the US has recently been primarily concerned with ideas about what should work, the Chinese and others are approaching matters pragmatically, testing for what actually does work. The US would do well to return to its historical roots in pragmatism and develop more of a balance between theory and practice.
This is certainly better than a military attack or a war. Of course, the same technology can be used for more nefarious purposes, and there’s the rub. Still I prefer it done this way.
Then again, here’s another piece arguing that that the US and/or Israel did not design this worm and that its effect is much more minimal than what has been reported:
There are those moments–moments when you enter a gateway, and you feel the presence of God. I remember Erice in Sicily: eating a meal at a local restaurant, lingering, savoring the garlic, the olive oil and the pasta–and most of all the wine–cold, white, shimmering, crisp–Ambrosia, the best wine I ever tasted, the same for Dianne and for our friend Tony. Was it the wine, the town, the restaurant, or the moment with my wife and our friend? I don’t know, but it felt like heaven: like a dream in which my senses put me deep underwater, gliding effortlessly, with no particular goal, just living fully.
Now is the time to act to stop genocide before it happens in the Ivory Coast. Use conversations, talks and sermons, emails, and blogs to stop potential horror.
If we want to alter this trend, the US will have to improve its educational levels and make sure that corporations pay their fair share of taxes (which they are not because of loopholes).
The decline of educational quality in the US is part of the reason for this.
The other is cheap labor in developing countries. Corporations are able to take advantage of this labor without suffering financial consequences in the US. However, corporations should contribute sufficiently to the national community that makes it possible for them to exist and thrive. Otherwise we will not be able to maintain our standard of living and quality of life.
The rise of transnational actors like multinational corporations and the decline of the power of nation states has negative consequences such as this, but it also promises new kinds of structures through which humans will govern themselves. Corporations have their own interests, and communities have theirs. Just as corporations protect themselves, communities will have to do the same. Corporations are driven by economic goals, but communities have moral concerns. This divergence in interest will inevitably force communities to find others ways of asserting themselves, as national governments find themselves unable to act. These communities may exist as places, but they may also form as virtual entities. Instead of looking at a global map with nations, we may be beginning to see the emergence of another kind of map with different governing entities.
Tom Friedman discusses the importance of US stability and health to the world (via Nelson French).
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