A discussion of the paranoia and racism that lies just beneath the surface of our national psyche. Donald Trump Trump has exploited this for PR purposes:
How local, not national, power effects will effect the most influence on environmental issues:
Disgusting. Repellent. Racist. Xenophobic. Yet Fox has led the charge with its fake news.
Is the Spanish government’s emphasis on Jewish tourism a legitimate enterprise? http://www.jta.org/news/article/2011/04/04/3086707/spain-building-monuments-to-its-jewish-past-critics-question-motives
A disturbing audio report from Cal Perry of a massacre in Syria:
This is one of the most demoralizing aspects of the economic and financial crisis that began in 2008. White collar criminals do not have to face the courts or prison because they are rich, powerful, and influential. This is the triumph of plutocracy that is now America. Via Dianne M. Bazell
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/14/business/14prosecute.html (via Dianne Bazell)
Huckabee wants Americans indoctrinated at gunpoint by David Barton, pseudo-historian who claims the U.S. was founded as a Christian nation. Barton apparently denies that the First Amendment protects the religious rights of all US citizens; rather it protects only those who are Christian. Another Oy vez.
The Koch Brothers use their power to intimidate their employees to vote for their favored candidates:
Exxon comes in a close second to General Electric as tax deadbeats:
Often food that looks good isn’t so good for you. Beware of colors!
Corporations are airing advertisements through media outlets as if they are legitimate news.
How a coal company destroyed a community:
A sad story that makes no rational sense, but the GOP effort is a nice pay-off to large corporations and campaign contributors.
The importance of Al-Jazeera continues to grow
Here’s the way Facebook is now mining your data to deliver targeted advertising to you:
Art is one of the most potent means of protesting authoritarianism and affirming freedom, but artists face threats in many nations, including China.
Another concerning aspect of natural gas exploration through the process of hydraulic fracturing:
Anti-Dolphin Killing Campaigns are finding success:
The IDF (Israeli Defense Force) has learned from the Goldstone Report in spite of the report’s failings. The IDF emphasizes the participation of legal advisors in military operations, media relations, and cooperation with legitimate human rights groups.
This is not a good sign for democracy:
Tax tools for the super-rich:
Oops. What century is this? Where is Charles Dickens?
Yes, that sounds like a great idea. Congress is much more knowledgeable than scientists. That’s a no-brainer–not.
Guess the good energy may not be so good after all.
The bipartisan destruction of the Middle Class:
More on the treatment of Bradley Manning and the degradation of our constitutional freedoms:
This describes the demise of one of the more bizarre figures in American culture: http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2011/04/06/AFNEgnqC_story.html
An excellent overview of the slanted coverage that Fox uses in its propaganda campaign to portray unions and their supporters in a negative light:
William Cronon of the University of Wisconsin wrote this op-ed on March 21 and then conservatives launched a witch-hunt by trying to rifle through his emails. All you have to do is express an opinion and talk about decency and living standards to qualify for harassment from corporate sponsored bullies.
This piece explains how and why collective bargaining raises living standards and is key to the existence of a prosperous middle class:
Or how to rip off tax payers by giving super-rich corporations and individuals massive freebies at no risk to borrowers:
More on Goldman Sachs and how it bet against bet against sub-prime mortgages without informing its clients. And once again no one pays a real penalty.
Shamus Culhane, the Woody Woodpecker animator, hid avant-garde art amidst the frames of this classic cartoon:
The number of dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico dying from oil contamination is substantial:
Banking and finance as productivity suckers:
What’s part of the deficit solution? How about adequately taxing the super rich who now own the lion’s share of our wealth? The top 1% own about 35% of US wealth, and that number is increasing every year. Large corporations like GE pay nothing in taxes. This makes no sense and is transforming us into a poorer, divided country, reminiscent of developing nations–except they’re generally on their way up. On our march back to the late nineteenth century, we are allowing radical free-market ideology to shatter a way of life that has taken a century to build.
These images are particularly powerful because they show the victims at Auschwitz as real human beings rather than near-corpses (“muselmann”) or piles of actual corpses.
The Only Surviving Album of Auschwitz: http://www1.yadvashem.org/exhibitions/album_Auschwitz/mutimedia/index.HTML
Naomi Klein is wrong on Israel (with her advocacy of boycotts) and often shaped by ideological arguments (without consideration for complexity and abstracted from life on the ground), but there are other times that she has profound things to say.
Below she writes a fascinating article, demonstrating the tremendous power of billionaires, corporations, and Neo-Liberal economic thought. It makes me realize how hemmed-in Obama and any national leader is. Trying to do anything that runs up against economic orthodoxy, now matter how reasonable or moderate, is virtually impossible, given the threat of stock market declines, currency and commodity collapses, and threats of investment withdrawals. Governments do not control their societies or their national resources; corporations and powerful interests do.
Illinois bans capital punishment:
Attempts to quash labor and worker rights are occurring globally:
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