Who are we? Definable bodies? But human bodies are composed mostly of water and space. We are descendants of beings who lived in oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams. Our bodies are not solid, but fluid and open. Every day the cells in our bodies are born and die. Every seven years, we are composed of entirely new sets of cells. Why do we fix ourselves into an illusion of isolation and rigidity, as concrete form, frozen images, as if we are separate things? In fact, we are permeable, protean, one composed of many, continually transforming. Made in the image of God, we are no/thing, one through many, colored glass turning in a kaleidoscope, always in flux, movement in form.
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Hadn’t seen your blog before. It’s COMPREHENSIVE and full of gems! This particular insight corresponds well with some of Rabbi D. Cooper’s thoughts in GOD IS A VERB. Your “Bodies in Flux” reminder could re-root the thinker in any situation, during upset, fear, prayer…etc. Re-directing one’s thoughts to the fundamentals, the most profound beauties of our human lives, our points of connection with…EVERYthing, and EVERYtime is powerful. Thank you for this succinct, incisive, connecting key!