Gang violence is not grounds for asylum? How do you think my maternal grandparents came here? How did many Jews end up coming to this country from Eastern Europe? What the hell do you think a pogrom was? “Pogrom” is another word for “gang violence.”
You, sir, disgust me, denying our history. Lady Liberty is barfing right now as you s*** on our heritage and piss on the the moral foundations of our nation, reducing it to sham mockery and a dark imitation of a once glorious past.
I consider the Korean negotiation a sham, a waste, a tv show, and (worst of all) a threat to peace.
The agreement looks something written on the back of a napkin. There’s nothing new in it all, and the term, “denuclearize,” means zip.
Trump is the person who created the drama and danger of war in the first place. Are we supposed to congratulate Trump for defusing a war situation that he himself created? Say what? That’s a bizarre argument.
Trump got played. The U.S. made concessions (ending war games). North Korea made none. There are no timelines now, no nuclear verification systems, and Kim can continue doing whatever militarily while we talk. Kim has no responsibilities other than smiling at Trump.
Most important, Trump should not have met directly with Kim. It was a bigly mistake. He gave Kim and North Korea what they wanted most: international credibility and status. And Trump gave it to Kim for zippo, nada. Trump is a pathetically weak negotiator, and he made us look weak.
And our moral status is now in ruins, shattered. We decided to negotiate with a genocidal maniac, violent psychopath, and torturer-in-chief, and we got nothing. Trump got played. We all got played because Trump is our president. Kim won this hand big time.
As far as I’m concerned, Trump sold us out for tv ratings and hotel deals. I believe that the situation on the Korean peninsula is much more dangerous now medium- and long-term. The North Koreans believe we’re weak, and they’re probably already planning to conquer South Korea. Who thinks Trump will come to South Korea’s aid now if North Korea invades the south? Good luck with that one, South Korea. You’re on your own. We’ve got a prez who is an inveterate liar, and no one has your back.
So, instead of gun control, we focus on backpacks by forcing students to leave them at home and by making them clear ones. Students have to change their lives in order to accommodate the bizarre ideology of unfettered gun rights in the USA. Makes no sense. I understand their fears, and this may be the only thing to do, but it will probably not stop the gun toters. And it will help convert our schools into armed fortresses and camps. It will primarily make life less convenient and more uncomfortable for students, as well as traumatic. There are ways to stop mass gun shootings. Other countries have figured out how to do it. Some states have made huge improvements. We just don’t want to do it.
Bottom line, many Americans don’t care about the lives of young people. They love fetuses, but don’t give a damn about people who are actually fully living human beings. We destroy lives of undocumented children, torturing and tormenting them and their families. And we screw up the lives of young people who live in fear and anxiety just having to attend school. One day people will look back on this period of history and discuss the moral bankruptcy of today’s gun policies. Those who have done this will have to account for their actions as they face themselves and their maker, and they will leave a legacy of shame.
No other country in the developed word has gun policies remotely like ours. It’s easy to get guns in Syria and Congo, which I guess puts the U.S. in their camp.
Guns are now one of the tenets of our civic religion. Evangelicals don’t have much religion any more. They have guns, fetuses, and the gospel of money and hate. Not much about the real Jesus/Christ in there. We have lost our way. I’m Jewish, and I don’t use this language very much, but we have sinned. We have sinned mightily. And the time of our reckoning is coming due. Those who claim to lead us spiritually are the ones leading us to chaos, barbarity, and inhumanity. We have lost our way. It may take the non-religious to lead this country back to some semblance of morality and, ironically, authentic spirituality. The light in the torch is dim, shrouded by darkness, but it’s there waiting for us to approach and spread its sparks of loving heat and illumination across our nation and globe. Time to get going.
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