The Source has no name, because the Source is No/Thing.
Feeling is the core of our humanity.
Our destiny is not destruction, chaos, and an end, but wholeness, hope, and a future (an interpretation of Jer 29.11).
What is a mistake? A decision to be something other than what we are–until the mistake leads us back to ourselves.
There is a plan for each life, but the plan is multi-layered, multi-directional, and subject to alteration.
“A visit to Chile finds a flourishing and rising country that has learned valuable lessons from a bitter past.”
Health is not a state of being, but a way of life.
In every spot, there is a gateway to the source.
Symbols give form to our reality.
“Instead of talking about global warming, a nonprofit invoked patriotism, thrift and religion to persuade residents to save energy.”
Symbols not only represent things, they create them.
“The Tibetan spiritual leader gave $50,000 to a new center devoted to studying the power of meditation.”
Wisdom involves the heart and mind joined as two tributaries flowing into a great river.
Holding your breath is a way of putting your life on hold.
“Contemporary Tibet conjures a mysterious mental image. So imagine how much more mysterious it was 100 years ago when travel was difficult and few foreigners were granted entry. A rare photo album provides a glimpse of that cloistered culture.”
Humanity is passing through a gateway right now. Will we crush one another in a mad scramble or pass though it gracefully?
Gateways open when we open.
Dreams tell a hidden story.
On Mt. Moriah, the Source offered Abraham the chance for a mystical ascent to heaven. But Abraham understood the path as going upward to hell (Gen 22).
Boredom is one of the key ingredients in creativity.
This is from an email I wrote to a friend about some photos depicting clearly ultra-orthodox Jews happily meeting with Mahmoud Ahmadenijad, the President of Iran.
Photos like these are actually pretty well known. Most ultra-Orthodox or Haredi (whether Hasidic, followers of the Lithuanian Yeshivah tradition, or Sephardic) have always opposed Zionism and the secular Jewish state, but they do not support harm coming to Jews. Many of these have by now compromised (such as Agudat Israel and Shas and Hasidic groups such as Lubavitch), working with the Israeli state even though they oppose it in principle. Among the Haredi, however, there is a particularly fanatic, right-wing group who goes beyond their opposition to the state of Israel by advocating for Israel’s destruction and who support violence against Israelis and against Jews who actively support the state of Israel. They actually virulently oppose other Haredi who work with the Israeli state, back Ahmadenijad, give credence to Ahmadenijad’s holocaust denial (in part because they believe that many of the Jews murdered in the holocaust were not “real” Jews), and embrace Ahmadenijad’s threats of violence against Israel. The group is called Neturei Karta (“Guardians of the City”), whose members live in various places around the world, most notably in Meah Shearim in Jerusalem. Ahmadenijad has been photographed with them before. See the following links:
Neturei Karta is radically isolated and cultish, the most extreme of the extreme. In short, they’re crazy.
P.S. There is an Israeli film called “Kadosh,” which gives a glimpse at the lives of ultra-Orthodox groups like Neturei Karta in Meah Shearim.
Dreams allow us to explore alternate possibilities and realities.
Allow your ideas to simmer. Their flavor and texture will improve.
Dreams are stories that lead us deeper into ourselves.
Wisdom takes time and energy. It does not happen according to schedule.
This is quite an impressive world clock–like nothing I’ve ever seen. This shows the condition of our planet.
Dreams both reveal and create our lives.
To be a wanderer is to live authentically.
Engaged Mysticism and Scholarship in the Pursuit of Wisdom
All progress depends on trust. Without trust there is no possibility of transformation. With trust everything is possible.
Dreams are literary works each and every one of us creates.
Change is inevitable. Our response to it is not.
This is a lovely video
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