Time and space are symbols, pointers toward something eternal and boundless.
As we all wander for a while in the wilderness, we each receive the sustenance, the manna, we need (Ex 16.4ff).
Everything and everyone has a spark of light. We are here to learn to see it.
Faith is trust in the universe, in the Source, Adonai Eloheinu, All-That-Is.
Curiosity from reverence and awe engenders deep learning and knowledge.
The One and the Many: No Many without the One, no One without the Many.
The parting of the Re(e)d Sea: A little order in the midst of chaos (Ex 14).
Humility does not shrink the self, but expands the self until the self erupts into sparks of fire.
My personal favorite: There are an infinite number of copies of each one of us living out an infinite number of alternate lives. I actually find that comforting.
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